What to do when you find Mold in Your Home in Spring Valley, CA
2/20/2017 (Permalink)
What to do when you find Mold in Your Home in Spring Valley, CA
Yesterday, a young girl returned to the doctor for the seventh time. Some of her symptoms were itchy eyes, fatigue, headaches, sore throat, cough, runny nose, and wheezing. Bacterial growth in the girl's home could have caused these symptoms. Mold is everywhere around the house including inside and outside, so an inspection of the home should be the first step in identifying the issue.
Inspecting the home
Microbial growth happens when the bacteria experiences the perfect conditions for growth. These conditions include a source of food for the bacteria, moisture, and time to grow. Microbial growth refers to the amount of cell growing and not the size of the cells growing. It is critical to remember that bacteria growth does not mean the house has mold. This issue is why it is necessary to hire an Environmental Hygienist from Jamul or Spring Valley, CA to inspect the home.
In California, an Environmental Hygienist must have the following:
Three years of experience.
Graduated from an accredited college with a degree in Environmental studies.
Passed the required state and federal exams.
These requirements make the Hygienist an expert at telling the difference between fungus, mildew, and other bacteria. If a homeowner suspects mold, a Hygienist should be hired to test the area and confirm the growth.
Whether it is small or large, the expert should be able to guide the homeowner in the next step to take in removing the issue. It is essential to following all of the Hygienist's recommendations.
Understanding the problem
Before mold cleanup begins, the source of the growth must be identified. Spores must have moisture to grow, so all leaks in the home must be repaired. Spring Valley and Jamul, CA experience high humidity, so a dehumidifier in the home would be a wise investment, also.
Once the source is identified and fixed, cleanup is started. Smaller jobs are easier to clean. Bleach and other household cleaners will kill fungus and mildew. If it is a bigger job, an individual should contact the insurance company to see if the damage is covered. The damage may be covered depending on the cause. However, it must be remembered that only an Environmental Hygienist can determine the proper treatment for any size job.
Once the appropriate treatment is determined, a homeowner has to decide if he or she will complete the repairs or hire an expert. In particular cases of growth, only an expert should remove and dispose of it, so it is done properly.
It is important to understand the different types of fungus found in California and how to prevent a reoccurrence of growth. Removing it can be expensive and an individual would not want to have to do it twice. If this blog has not been completely clear, these are the most important things from homeowners to understand:
Health issues including respiratory complaints can be caused by bacteria growth.
All growth can not be removed. An owner can only control the growth.
Eliminating all sources of moisture can help control growth.
Fix all leaks or water issues will aid in growth, also.
Controlling indoor humidity is important. It should be kept below 50% inside the home.
Vent bathrooms and kitchens with exhaust fans to stop moisture.
Use a dehumidifier.
Use an air conditioner and not a swap cooler.
Stop condensation by adding additional insulation.
Do not place carpets in areas with a lot of moisture.
Growth can be anywhere.
A homeowner who understands the issue can solve the issue.
Mold Cleanup
If the growth covers more than twelve square feet of the home, a professional should be hired to complete the cleanup. It will save time and money to check references before hiring a new contractor. A person should call the correct contractor depending on the cause of the growth. If sewage or other contaminated water caused the growth, call an expert in contaminated water damage. The contractor should follow the recommendations of the hygienist to clean up the growth.
If the growth area covers less than twelve square feet of the home, the homeowner can clean the area. When removing or sanitizing the growth area, a person should wear gloves, goggles, and have long sleeves and pants. In some instances wear a respirator. All of this equipment is available at a local hardware store. Finally, make sure the room is properly ventilated.
For more insight on handling mold, visit http://www.SERVPROspringvalleyjamul.com/