Finding Hidden Moisture in Your Home | SERVPRO of Spring Valley/Jamul
1/2/2024 (Permalink)

We use a lot of water every day. From washing clothes to running the dishwashers or cleaning dirty paws, having water we can control with the flip of a switch makes our lives a lot easier. It makes our lives easier, until it ends up in the wrong places, at least.
Mother Nature might bring intense rains that cause flooding, or an appliance failure could leave our kitchens looking more like a swimming pool. Even a small hole in a water line can cause a lot of chaos.
The good news is that when you know the most common places that moisture could be hanging out in your home, you can avoid extreme damage.
Your kitchen and your bathrooms are some of the top locations where water can lead to damage in your home. While that might seem obvious, they can actually be pretty challenging to find. With numerous water lines, cleaning products blocking your view and the potential for drips coming from spills, moisture can hide out for quite some time.
When leaks start under a sink, they often move into cabinets, walls and the floor. Check your sinks weekly. Run your hands around all the water lines, checking for any damp places. Make sure all of the connections are tight, and replace any seals that are starting to wear out.
Large appliances are great for making some of our least favorite tasks easier, but they are also prone to hidden leaks. When a washing machine, dishwasher or refrigerator starts to leak, it often happens underneath or behind the appliance. You can end up with some pretty serious structural damage before you even realize a leak has started.
Put it on your to-do list to pull your large appliances out every three or four months. Give the area behind them and underneath them a deep-cleaning, and look for signs of potential water issues. Soft spots in the floor, puddles or mold growth are all reasons to do some deeper investigating.
When a leak starts, it can move pretty quickly to other parts of your home. Water can seep into even the smallest of cracks, which means it can easily find its way behind your walls or under your floor.
Check for musty odors, especially around your water-based appliances. A new squeak in the floor is another reason you might want to do some deeper digging to look for damage.
When the temperature inside or outside of your home swings from high to low, condensation can form on your windows. It might be tempting to ignore this—it will go away on its own right? Condensation can actually stick around, seeping into any gaps around your windows or doors.
Feel around your window frames and door frames for excess moisture on a regular basis. Check the seals and make sure they aren’t showing any signs of aging. At the change of the seasons, get the caulk gun out and give everything a fresh coat to ensure your home is tightly sealed.
Water damage doesn’t have to derail your life for long. If you find damage in your home, call SERVPRO® to get things back on track fast. With one call, we will start your restoration and make sure your home is exactly as it should be in no time.
Don’t ignore signs of water damage! Call SERVPRO for a quick restoration.